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Alt Penedés - Land Cavas

El Castell

Establishment of Rural Tourism
Plaza de las Moreras, 10 - Torrelles de Foix, Barcelona

08737 Catalonia, Spain
Tel (1): +34 609 668 322 Tel (2): +34 664 564 362
Contact email:

Accommodation registered in Tourism with the number: PB000646

     Important Note:

In this place live cats in the gardens and sometimes the mascot of some guest. If you think you might feel uncomfortable about this, we suggest you look for some other accommodation.

Contact us directly ...

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EL CASTELL Todos los derechos  reservados, Plaza de las Moreras, 10, 08737, Barcelona, Torrelles de Foix, Cataluña, España / Tel. +34 609 668 322 / +34 664 564 362

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